Announcements – June 10, 2020
1. We are asking everyone to do the following:
- Practice social distancing
- Please do not hug one another
- Sing from the screen
- Be seated after the invitation
- To practice social distancing, you will be dismissed by rows
- As you exit the building, take time to worship by giving back to the Lord
- The nursery and children’s church will be open
- You are encouraged to wear a face mask, but not required
- If you are sick, have a fever or other underlying health conditions, please worship by livestream
2. Thank you for a great attendance on Sunday, June 7th & June 14th (approximately 140 in person & live streaming both Sundays)!
3. Church Offerings as of the week of June 7th: June Budgeted Income-$21,916.60 Undesignated Offering-$13,475
4. We will be having a wedding shower for Rachel Brown on June 28th 2-4pm in the fellowship hall. She is registered at Belk, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and Walmart.
Sunday School Lesson – May 31, 2020
Hosea 2:2-23
Chapter 2 reflects the moral and religious conditions in Israel around 750 B.C. Chapter 2 describes the effect of those conditions upon God— and God’s reaction to Israel as a result of these conditions.
This morning let us look at:
I. Israel’s unfaithfulness
II. God’s first reaction to Israel’s immorality
III. God’s ultimate response to Israel’s shame
I. Israel’s unfaithfulness
Verse 2- Israel like Gomer was unfaithful— yet Hosea loved Gomer, and God loved Israel. What a terrible sin Israel had committed. She had become unfaithful to the one who loved her most— God. Do not judge Israel. What a terrible sin it is for one who professes Christianity to become unfaithful to God, who has redeemed you and who loves you.
God says— Go to your mother Israel and contend with her. Tell her to come back. Tell her to turn from idolatry.
Verse 5- Israel’s unfaithfulness was further characterized as harlotry. Gomer was in prostitution for money. The same was with Israel. The people had turned to idols— spiritual adultery. The people of Israel were giving the idols credit for providing for them.
“I will go after my lover that gave me bread, water, flax, oil, and my drink”, while all the time Jehovah God was providing for all their needs. Israel had totally become ungrateful to God.
Verse 8- There was total denial of Yahweh. There was total denial that anything came from God. So much of a denial— that silver and gold given by God was used to worship Baalim.
Verse 13- Israel was so involved in the cultic activities of the worship of Baal that she had totally forgotten God.
Yes, Israel had been unfaithful. Her unfaithfulness had gone into harlotry. Israel was totally denying God. Israel had forgotten God.
II. What was God’s first reaction to Israel’s immorality?
Verse 2b- God’s first reaction was to disown Israel. God would no longer be God’s bride.
Verse 3- He declared that He would strip her naked— a thing often done to unfaithful women. He would deny her fields their fertility, thus famine and starvation.
Verse 4- God will judge the people of Israel as illegitimate children— God would judge them as a nation turned to idols.
Verse 9- God’s first response was to take back all He had given Israel. That leads to this question— Has the U.S.A. been judged by God? Yes.
- The Dust Bowl of the Depression
- World War II
- Vietnam Conflict
- 911- World Trade Center
- Covid-19
Is judgment eminent today? Yes, it is when murder is considered a social problem instead of sin. It is when homosexuality is considered a lifestyle instead of sin. It is when abortion is considered a convenience instead of sin. The list gets long. Yes, God will judge America. History ought to teach us that.
Yes- God’s first reaction was to disown Israel, strip her naked, and to take back all He had given her.
III. What was God’s ultimate response to Israel’s shame?
Verse 6- He chose to convince her of the folly of her way— by the path’s she had chosen.
Jeremiah 2:19 says, He chose to hedge her about with constraints. Her pursuit of Baalim would be so disappointing they would serve as a deterrent to an unknowing Israel.
Verse 7- There comes a day when a harlot is no longer beautiful and her lovers lose interest in her. She finds herself being put out. This is what was happening to Israel. The people were saying, “Now we will turn back to God.”
Verse 10-11- He chose to expose Israel as the shameful creature she had become. The gods she chose to serve would be one more disappointment after another. What a tragedy it is to forget God.
Verses 14-15- God simply said to Israel, I will judge you of your sin. After I have judged you, there will be a glorious, wonderful hope for you in the future. Notice “the valley of Achor”— which means valley of trouble. After your trouble, there is hope.
IV. What was the effect of God’s reaction upon Israel?
Verse 7- God chose to woo her back by means of disappointment, suffering, and trials. Man would have destroyed Israel. God wanted to restore her.
Because of what God did and because of how Israel did not benefit from Baal, Israel was determined to return to her first husband. In addition to Israel’s own declaration to return— God announced that the nation would respond positively.
Verse 16- “Ishi” means, my husband. What is the husband relationship? It is one that is intimate, personal, and based on love.” The Song of Solomon refers to this as, “I am my beloved, and my beloved is mine.”
When will this take place? Verses 18-23
Verse 20- “In that day”, refers to the 1000 year reign of Christ. Yes, in that day— the Jew of Israel will finally know the Lord.
Does unfaithfulness, on a nation’s part, pay? Ask the Jews, whose ancestors rambled for years— whose country fell out of existence and into captivity.
Ask the strayed Christian who was once on fire for God— and then got far from God. As you and I will find, the cost is too great.
Wednesday thoughts
Have you ever considered the word “water”? Just how essential is water to you and me? Water to the human body is essentially the same as oil is to gasoline engine. When the human body is low on water, the medical people call this dehydration. Dehydration is corrected by placing water back into the human body. Very complicated health issues take place in the human body that end up in dehydration, just as a deficiency of oil to the gasoline engine. Extremely low oil can cause an engine to over-heat, and in the case of no oil, the engines seizes.
How essential is water to you? Turn it off at your house, and you will see. No water= no clean clothes, no water= no coffee, no water= no bath, no water= no tea, no water= thirst. The list of the negatives that occur when no water exists continues.
When I think of water— during childhood— oftentimes I drank water from a spring along with cows, dogs, turtles, snakes, and anything else that needed a drink. A few years ago, I toured a hydro power plant where a huge volume of water was allowed to run into what looked like a tunnel which propelled generators into action. The end result was electricity. At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees water boils. With boiling water comes steam, and steam can power a locomotive.
Consider this thought— the drops of rain make a hole in a stone over an extended period of time. Water is essential to you and me. What does your Bible say about water? Carefully read Psalm 148:4-5. Did you note verse 5 which say that God created water? Why did God create water? Could it have been that He created man He knew needed water to live? Could it be when he created plant-life He knew plants needed water. Maybe He created water because He knew that fish, which were his creation, would die without water?
Could it have been that He looked through the pages of time and saw His people in bondage and decided to do away with the Pharaoh’s army by drawing them into the Red Sea. Oh, maybe He created water to teach you and I to walk by faith. Your Bible teaches that Peter walked on water until he took his eyes off Jesus, and then we find Jesus walking on water. After all, water was created by the Creator and Jesus simply walked on what He created. This we read in the Bible where Jesus took water and turned it into wine.
Turn to your Bible to John 4:14. Jesus had met with the woman of Samaria at Jacob’s well. He was attempting to get her to understand that she needed more than physical water to meet her eternal need. Jesus, in verse 13 explains to her that, “whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again.” Note what He said in verse 14, “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Oh, what a difference in physical and spiritual water. Both are needed to fulfill God’s will in our lives. How essential is the word “water” to you? If you want to live, physical water is a must. If you want Heaven as your home— you must drink from the spiritual well that never runs dry.
Remember we will begin “in house” worship on June 7th at 10:30am. Live streaming of services will also occur for those of you who have underlying health conditions. I ask you to pray daily for the services on June 7th. To God be the glory!
Bro. Don
Sunday School Lesson – May 24, 2020
A servant girl gave the following definition of a Christian: “People that go to church and chapel, that talk about religion, and take the Parson home for tea.” No doubt— this is what the little girl had gathered as she watched those who professed Christianity.
Thought: Christian names are everywhere. Christian men are rare.
In Acts 11:26, we see the attitude of a city towards Christianity.
In Acts 26:28, we see the attitude of a convicted sinner towards Christianity.
In 1 Peter 4:16 we see the attitude of a Christian towards suffering.
The city of Antioch was one of the most sinful, ungodly, unrighteous, unholy, and sensual places on the face of the earth. In the midst of all this, a handful of Christians began to attract attention.
This is the way it ought to be in 2020. God’s people ought to live in such a manner, talk in such a manner, and act in such a manner that they get a sinful world’s attention.
Question: What are you doing in your neighborhood or workplace to get a sinful man’s attention?
Question: What constitutes a Christian?
I. Faith makes a Christian. How?
A) Faith saves. Hebrews 11:6 and Ephesians 2:8-9
B) Faith justifies. Romans 4:1-5 and Romans 5:1
C) Faith keeps. 1 Peter 1:3-5
Yes— faith makes a Christian.
II. Life proves a Christian.
A true Christian is one who does not say— but lives a transformed, separated, Godly, and dedicated life.
What are the marks of a true Christian? 1 John
A) A true Christian cannot walk in darkness. 1 John 1:6-7
B) A true Christian cannot be disobedient. 1 John 2:4-5
C) A true Christian cannot hate. 1 John 2:9-11
D) A true Christian cannot love the world. 1 John 2:15
E) A true Christian cannot live a life of sin. 1 John 3:4-10
F) A true Christian cannot doubt God’s Word. 1 John 5:9-11
Yes— faith makes a Christian. Life proves a Christian.
III. Trials confirm a Christian. 1 Peter 1:7
A true Christian will persevere in the midst of a storm. Oh— the lions may frighten him, doubts may lead him into captivity, flattery may ensnare him— but he keeps on.
John 8:31- What did Jesus tell the believing Jew?
1 Peter 4:12-13 tells the true Christian to not be surprised at the trials and suffering— just keep rejoicing.
Yes— faith makes a Christian, life proves a Christian, trials confirm a Christian and…
IV. Death crowns a Christian. 2 Timothy 4:7-8
Oh— if you are a Christian, look for and love the doctrine of the coming of Christ. You will have earned the crown of righteousness. What a crowning day— that day you give up this old body and step into the presence of the Savior.
What is a Christian?
- In faith, a believer in Jesus
- In relationship, a child of God
- In influence, a light
- In communion, a friend
- In conflict, a soldier
- In experience, a pilgrim
- In expectation, an heir
Are you a real Christian or just one in name only?
Wednesday Thoughts
Memorial Day- Just How Special is Memorial Day to You?
For many Americans, Memorial Day is a set aside time to be with family and friends at the park, or lake, or in the backyard grilling those favorite foods. For others in America, Memorial Day is a stark reminder that a loved one or friend gave their life to preserve the freedom of speech and religion that we have long taken for granted in America.
In the past few months, those of us who are church-going people have been reminded of just how quick our church doors can close. It is my personal belief that God is aware of where we are in America and He is simply saying to us, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 The setting is at the dedication of David’s temple which Solomon had built. It is God’s Word to Solomon concerning that land in that day.
At the dedication, Solomon prayed this great prayer. Now He remembers the prayers of His people, and He says to Solomon, “If my people, which are called by my Name.” To whom is he speaking? Israel. God is talking to Solomon about Israel. Now if they will humble themselves, if they will pray, if they will seek my face, if they will turn from their wicked ways, then God promises three things to Israel: He will hear their prayer, He will forgive them, and He will heal their land.
Now there is an application in this verse that we cannot toss aside. This verse contains a formula for this hour concerning, “My people.” God has a people which we call the church or the body of Christ. “If my people shall humble themselves.”— oh, the flesh is proud. We are admonished to be humble and pray. Jesus told His disciples to watch and pray and seek His face. We are told in Colossians 3:1-2, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on the things above, not on things on the earth.” “Turn from their wicked ways.”— in other words, repent. Repentance is for the child of God.
Now how about God’s part? God has promised that He would hear, “and whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. He promises to forgive, and He will heal their land. Oh— if we follow the formula— we will be blessed with spiritual blessings in Christ.
On this Memorial Day— I encourage you to make time to pray. It is of utmost necessity that we seek God, humbling ourselves and praying.
Join us as we honor our 2020 graduates
Join us as we honor our 2020 graduates🎓
Come To The Light Parade at KSBC
Saturday, May 23, 8 pm
Sunday School Lesson – May 17, 2020
Genesis 5:24- “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.”
Are you walking with God? What does that mean? “Enoch walked with God.” Walking with God simply means living in the presence of God. Are you living life regulated by His will? Are you living life inspired by His spirit? Are you living life devoted to his purpose?
Yes, Enoch walked with God.
To walk with God implies:
1) Self Surrender- The name Enoch means dedicated one yielded to God— to be conformed to His mind and His will. If you and I walk with God, we surrender ourselves to Him.
To walk with God implies:
2) An Unbroken Fellowship- Amos 3:3 asks this question, “How can two walk together except they be agreed?”
You see— if you walk with God, you are not in rebellion, you are not in sin, and you want what God wants— not anything else.
Folks— churches need a dose of this. When we want what God wants, there is agreement.
To walk with God implies:
3) Continual Progress- To walk with God means a growing knowledge of Him. There is no standing still with Him. Are you growing in His knowledge— and not the world’s knowledge?
His Knowledge:
- Are you thinking as Jesus would have you think?
- Are you asking— “What would Jesus do in this situation?”
- It does matter what Jesus would do.
- It does matter that we want what Jesus wants personally or as a church.
- There is no standing still with God.
- When God is in it— there is continual progress.
- When you and I walk with God, the light on the path shines more and more.
- The path gets clearer and even more clear.
Thought: There is a pathway back home I walked a many a time. As the sun beat down on it— the pathway was clear, but at nighttime it was a dark path. There were no lanterns or streetlights. So, it is with us— when we walk with God— the pathway is always clear.
If we walk away from God— our path gets darker and darker and the first thing you know— the world and all its affairs have consumed our lives. Are we happy on the world’s dark path? No, we are in bondage and slaves to what the world offers.
To walk with God implies:
4) Complete Separation- You could not think of Enoch taking part in the world’s sinful pleasures. Leviticus 20:7- “Be ye holy, for I am holy.”
Beloved— God is light and those who love the light do not walk in darkness.
To walk with God implies:
5) Unfailing Perseverance- It was for Enoch— an unfailing perseverance— for 300 years he walked with God. Not once a week, not only in the morning, not only at nighttime for a few minutes, but continually— Enoch walked with God.
To walk with God implies:
6) A Fearless Confidence- There is not a doubt in our finite mind that God is not with us. No wonder the Psalmist said, “For thou art with me.”
Does that describe your walk? Yours is a walk of confidence? Not one question about it?
To walk with God implies:
7) Intense Satisfaction- Hebrews 11:5- “He hath this testimony, that he pleased God.”
While there are those whom we displease— it is interesting that we can please God. Yes, there are those who don’t understand us. There are those who make fun of us.
Teenager— if you please God some of your classmates who are not pleasing God will ridicule you and make fun of you. Yes, you may live in the world, but you are not required to act like the world. To please God is always the best.
To walk with God implies:
8) Future Blessedness- Read Genesis 5:24. God took him— no funeral home, no wake, no burial— God took him.
To walk with God implies:
9) Simple Faith- You see— Enoch had simple faith. By faith Enoch was translated.
Are you walking with God? Colossians 1:10 says, “Walk worthy of the Lord.”
To walk with God implies:
- Self Surrender
- Unbroken Fellowship
- Continual Progress
- Complete Separation
- Unfailing Perseverance
- Fearless Confidence
- Intense Satisfaction
- Future Blessedness
- Simple Faith
Wednesday thoughts
Are you the one that encourages others? Can you name those people in your life who encouraged you? Was it a teacher, pastor, 4-H Club agent, coach, youth leader, grandparent, parent, or an uncle or aunt? You certainly know who it was? Did you thank whoever it was?
That leads to the question of the day:
Are you the one that encourages others? Have you intentionally tried to be that person who is an encourager? Would you pray, during the course of this week, asking God to lay on your heart— that one you need to encourage? Would you seek out that one this week and encourage that person? Would you make a phone call, send a card, visit someone, take time to pray with the person whom God has laid on your heart? We need to listen to the individual that we are trying to encourage.
Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-5. What is Paul saying to the believers of Corinth? KJV- “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.”
The word “blessed” is actually “praise”. Praise be to God. I wonder how much we really praise God. David said, in Psalm 34:1, “I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” That ought to get rid of the complaining saint. God is the Father of all mercies, and the God of all comfort.
Thought: God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. In our world people turn to a host of things for comfort. There is a problem with this kind of thinking. (Things do not comfort.) Aren’t you glad that you know that source of all comfort? John Jewett said this, “God does not comfort us to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters.”
Note 2 Corinthians 1:4 (KJV)- “Who comforteth us in all our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”
Yes— He comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. It is a wonderful thing that we have a God who can comfort us in all our troubles. It is in that time of trouble that we need comfort. It is in those times of loneliness and in the desperate hours of our life that we need comfort.
Are you a comforter? That depends on your relationship with your fellow man. It is easy to turn a deaf ear to the guy that is hurting physically, mentally, or emotionally. I have often heard it said— what is the difference in a recession and a depression? If my neighbor is out of work— that is a recession. If I am out of work, that is a depression.
What about your neighbor? What about that fellow classmate in Sunday school, a fellow believer you sit with on Sunday? Do I listen? Do I respond? Do I care? Am I a comforter?
Note 2 Corinthians 1:5 (KJV)- “For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.” It could be said this way, “For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with His comfort through Christ.” Has He showered you lately? Could it be that He is not going to rain showers on you until you start comforting others?
Pray about it— God has already named who you need to comfort.
Are you the one that encourages others?
Sunday School Lesson – May 3, 2020
Are You Fit for the Master’s to Use? 2 Timothy 2:19-21
- To be a lineman, one must be a grunt.
- To be a machinist, one must first be an apprentice.
- To be a teacher, one must first practice teach.
- To be a drive, one must first learn how to drive.
I. To be fit for the Master’s use, one must:
A) Build on God’s foundation
B) Be known by God
C) Be responsible unto God
Read 2 Timothy 2:19. The foundation of God stands sure. How could Paul write this to Timothy? Paul simply writes to Timothy about the local church. What does he say? The local New Testament church has a solid foundation (not the church building), but with the church.
Read Ephesians 5:25-27
God’s church is a glorious church— having no spot or wrinkle— Holy— without blemish. All has been made possible because of the blood sacrifice on Calvary.
- The earthly house I live in always needs repair.
- The earthly car I drive is headed to a junk yard.
- The earthly clothes I wear are fading and soon need to be replaced.
Not so with God’s church— why? Because, it was built on a blood bought foundation. Blood redeemed— that has, is, and will stand all the test of time.
Yes, when the trumpet sounds— God’s redeemed will win the battle— Why? It is because God’s redeemed are standing on a solid foundation.
His name is Jesus.
To be fit for the Master’s use— you must be on the right foundation.
II. To be fit for the Master’s use, you must be known by God- 2 Timothy 2:19
Having this seal— the Lord knoweth them that are His.
Read Colossians 1:14, 20-22 and 1 Peter 2:21 and 24.
My soul— your soul is very precious unto the Lord. He knows us one by one. You and I were bought with a price. 1 Corinthians 6:20
Does God really know me?
Read Nahum 1:7
John 1:48
John 10:3
John 10:14
2 Tim 2:19
Are you known by God? To be fit for the Master’s use, you must be known by God.
III. To be fit for the Master’s use, you must be obedient and responsible to Him.
Read 2 Timothy 2:19-21
Thought: You and I are called— chosen in Christ. We should be Holy and without blame. Not only is God’s house on a solid foundation, not only is God’s house sealed— God’s house also has vessels. These are of honor— gold, silver, and, there are those of wood and clay.
The saved— those of honor.
The lost— those of dishonor.
Are you fit for the Master’s use?
- Only is you have built on the right foundation.
- Only if you are known by God.
- Only if you are separated— set apart unto honor.
Read 2 Timothy 2:19-21.
My friend— are you fit for the Master to use?
Wednesday thoughts
In the early 1980’s, I was the agriculture teacher at Caledonia High School. One of my duties was to be the local FFA advisor. I took students from Caledonia to the National Future Farmers of America Convention which was held each year in Kansas City, Missouri. There were 22,000 students from all over the USA that attended this affair. All of the 22,000 students were dressed in the blue and gold FFA jackets, white shirts, black pants, and a black tie. Along with the crowd of students were thousands of agriculture teachers, as well as, national sponsors. Many guests attended including the Vice President of the U.S., TV personalities, and many corporate representatives representing the industry of agriculture. During one of the conventions, Dr. Norman Vincent Peal spoke on the power of positive thinking. When I heard that He was to speak, I had this thought: (What could an 85 year-old man tell a bunch of 16 year-olds?) When he spoke I saw 22,000 kids give more standing ovations than I had ever seen for many nationally known speakers.
While you and I may not agree with all of Dr. Peal’s thoughts— there is much that the Bible has to say about where yours and my thoughts should be. How are we to think? After all we are going through a time of shut-down, lock-down, and lock-up. For those of us above 65, we are told to stay in the house. What are we to do? What are we to think?
Read Philippians 4:8. Notice the words, “Think on these things.” We might say, what things?
Things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and things that are of good report.
Think on these things.
Philippians 4:13- Think on this scripture. What is Paul saying? Is He telling us to believe in ourselves? Is he saying to us, you are to believe that Christ empowers us to do whatever we set our mind to? No.
I can do all things through Christ— whatever Christ has for you to do, He will supply the power. Whatever gift He gives you, He will give you the power to exercise that gift.
Psalm 19:14. Have you prayed Psalm 19:14?
Who was David’s strength? Christ
Who was His redeemer? Christ
Who is your strength? ___________
Who is your redeemer? ___________
Read Proverbs 4:20-27. Read these verses again 5X. Meditate on these verses. Think on these verses. Ask God to direct your thoughts.