Seven Last Sayings of Jesus

Matthew 27:46
” My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
This was a direct quotation from Psalm 22:1.  It was during the time of darkness that Jesus had been made sin for us. ( 2 Corinthians 5:21)  He had been forsaken by the Father.  That darkness was a symbol of the judgment that He endured when He was “made a curse” for us. (Galatians 3:13)  Psalm 22:2 suggests a period of light and a period of darkness; and Psalm 22:3 emphasizes the holiness of God.  How could a Holy God look with favor on His son who had become sin?
— Thoughts by Warren Wiersbe  “Be Loyal”


Jesus’ Seven Last Sayings in Scriptures

Seven Last Sayings from the Cross
“Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”
It was strange that Christ should find a friend dying on the cross by His side.  Nobody else spoke to him about a kingdom.  This dying thief touches the heart of Jesus by the mention of a kingdom and making a request to Him concerning that kingdom even when the King was in His death agony. Notice the response of Jesus. “Truly I tell you”, and here He is, even on the cross still the same preacher.
-Notes: The Spurgeon Bible


Jesus’ Last Seven Sayings in Scripture

Luke 23:34
“Father, forgive them”
Who does “them” refer to?
Let us think about the possibilities:
A) Soldiers- Who put men to death on this site of Golgotha.
B) Pilate- Yes, he signed the death warrant and publicly washed his hands.
C) Chief Priests & Scribes- They were the primary force behind the crucifixion of Jesus.
D) Pharisees & Sadducees- The outright enemies of Jesus
E) You and I- We are all the real ones that sent Jesus to the cross. 


Backyard Jam Session April 2, 2020


Sunday School Lesson April 5th

Text: Matthew 27:57-61

Mark 15:42-47

Luke 23:50-56

John 19:38-42

Who was Joseph of Arimathea?

Matthew 27:56

John 19:38

Mark 15:43

· He could be described as a rich man.

· A member of the Sanhedrin

· A righteous man looking for the kingdom of God

· A secret disciple of Jesus

· He did not take part in the resolution of the Sanhedrin to put Jesus to death.

· After the resurrection, he secured permission from Pilate to remove the body of Jesus from the cross and lay it in his own tomb.

· He was a Christian who was a coward who had never confessed Christ publicly.

· He was a man (on scene) who watched Jesus die.

Can you imagine the quiet he must have felt? Picture the scene. He reasoned to himself.

· I did not vote for his death.

· If I had spoken for Jesus, they would have killed me.

· My name would be in disgrace.

· I could have lost my riches.
The day went on and then Jesus died. Joseph of Arimathea came to his senses, and he came to Pilate and begged for the body of Jesus. This was his public profession— right before the Jews, the Sanhedrin, the Gentiles as well. He went right to Pilate.
Note that the great multitude had not all departed. Joseph joined, John, the beloved, Mary, the grief-stricken mother, Mary Magdelene, the other Mary, and Nicodemus.
And so, we picture Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple of Jesus— but secretly in fear of the Jews.
Thought: How many people— how many Christians are pictured?
Oh, some have trusted Jesus, but have never claimed it publicly. Have you seen the cross? That is what it took to get Joseph of Arimathea off the fence.
In a restaurant you never bow your head to pray because of onlookers. Do you need to see the cross? Maybe you are never seen with your Bible, because you are afraid of the crowd. Do you need to see the cross? Maybe you never give your personal testimony publicly, because you afraid of the crowd. Do you need to see the cross?
Have you seen the cross? That is what it took to get Joseph of Arimathea to quit straddling the fence.
On this Sunday before Easter, please assemble your family to pray.

In times like these, we need the Savior. We need an anchor.


Oh, how mighty is the LORD!

Psalm 24:1-2

1 The earth is the Lord‘s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
