July 2020

All men need Jesus

AM Service Matthew 19:16-22 Luke 8:40-42, 49-56 Luke 18:35-43

June 2020

This is America – Decisions have consequences

AM Service. Jeremiah 7:28, 16:10-21

A man named Saul

AM Service. Acts 9:1-9

In the last days

AM Service. 2nd Timothy 3:1-5

In the midst of your crisis are you focused on God?

Psalm 77:1-3

May 2020

How does a believer follow Jesus?

AM Sermon. Luke 9:23

What has happened in America?

AM Sermon. Jeremiah 4:1-4

Are you waiting on God?

AM Service. Isaiah 40:31

Any true mother

AM Service. Proverbs 31:28

As a believer, I must love other believers

AM Service. Romans 12:9-10
